Global Meteor Network Outreach Project

STEAM project for Youth

Empower Your Students with an Earth-Sized Meteor Science Experience

Explore the project

Option A: Participate in a coordinated global project

Global Meteor Network provides a free camera system for your school (or you can build your own), helping to connect schools across the work with professional scientists. Subject to funding availability, starts in September each year.

Current run

Have a look at the schools participating in this year’s coordinated global project. Explore the stories, successes, hiccups, and achievements of the participants.

Option B: Participate at your own pace

You, your school or your club can participate at your own pace. We will provide resources and connect you to other schools. You can start whenever you are ready.

Archive of the past runs

Explore the past years, presentations, stories and the final meeting. Read the news and have a look at the highlights.

Explore The Global meteor network

Creating a decentralized science-grade instrument which observes the night sky every night of the year from as many locations around the world as possible. A citizen science project run by scientists as well as enthusiastic amateurs. Open for everyone everywhere!

Latest news

Graz, Austria delivery

Another camera kit delivery took place in the Austrian’s second-largest city of Graz. Radim Stano…
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First delivery

Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Preetz, Germany. Radim Stano delivered the first camera kit during his and his family’s…
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