First delivery

Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Preetz, Germany

Radim Stano delivered the first camera kit during his and his family’s journeys across Germany and Austria. The kit was delivered to Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Preetz in Schleswig-Holstein, near the city of Kiel, Germany on the 3rd of July, 2023. It was a pleasant visit to this school, where we met students and the teacher – Dr Torsten Röhl. They showed us the school’s laboratories and the equipment the school has, it includes astronomical equipment, electronics measurement and test equipment, CNC machines and a bunch of 3D printers. Dr Torsten Röhl is a teacher of Informatics, Mathematics and Physics and leads the astronomical education in the school as well as Informatics with Linux education! Radim Stano was during this visit accompanied by a special guest – Dr Horst Meyerdierks, who is also operating a GMN camera in Germany and helping with the Outreach project. Apart from this are both members of The Astronomical Society of Edinburgh and they met for the first time in person!
More about the school can be found here (in German):
FSG Preetz’s website
FSG Preetz’s astronomy website
FSG Preetz’s informatics website