Bavaria, Germany delivery

Gymnasium Untergriesbach, Germany

The last place to deliver a camera kit in German-speaking countries was in Bavaria, Germany, precisely in Untergriesbach near Passau. Radim Stano met in the Gymnasium Untergriesbach with the teacher Alfons Niederhofer, a teacher of physics and astronomy course. Mr Niederhofer showed me and my family the school and the observatory. We had a very pleasant talk and there was even time for a short Sun observing session in Hydrogen Alpha, which we enjoyed very much. Thank you, Mr Niederhofer. As mentioned Gymnasium Untergriesbach has its own observatory on the roof with some great telescopes in it. It is surrounded by nature and a quite dark sky! We are looking forward to seeing the camera installed and collecting meteor data too!
More about the school can be found here (in German):
Gymnasium Untergriesbach’s website
Gymnasium Untergriesbach’s observatory website