MacOS Install

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Basic Instructions

These instructions should work for most users. If they don't work for you, try the longer version below.

  • Open a terminal window and run the following command to install the developer tools. This may take some time.
xcode-select --install
  • In a terminal window, run the following commands:
conda create --name RMS python=3.7
conda activate RMS
git clone
pip install -r RMS/requirements.txt
pip install rawpy
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install pyqt

And to test that it all worked:

cd RMS
conda activate RMS
python -m Utils.SkyFit2 --help

this should compile the code and print instructions for how to use SkyFit2.

Note: Each time you want to use RMS, you must activate the Python virtual environment in a Terminal window and change directory into the RMS folder:

cd RMS
conda activate RMS

Longer Instructions

  • Open a terminal window and run the following command to install the developer tools. This may take some time.
xcode-select --install
  • Open a terminal window and run the following commands:
conda create --name RMS python=3.7
conda activate RMS
git clone
conda install -y numpy scipy gitpython cython matplotlib
conda install -y -c conda-forge pyephem Pillow imreg_dft imageio pyqtgraph
conda install -y -c astropy astropy
pip install rawpy
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install pyqt
cd RMS
python -m Utils.SkyFit2 --help

The last command should compile the code and print instructions for how to use SkyFit2.